ICA Deadline Extended

As you have no doubt heard by now, the deadline for submissions to ICA has been extended to November 5th, 23:55 UTC. The system has been having technical problems due to hacking, but seems to be up again.

For all Group members that are interested in submitting, we would like to urge you to try to submit as soon as you are ready. If you can’t log on to the system or experience other technical problems in submitting your work, please just try again the next day.

Of course, these extra days also give you the time to prepare another submissions. Remember, the Computational Methods group accepts full papers and extended abstracts on new methods, applications, tool demonstrations, and much more! See http://ica-cm.org/cfp2017/ for our full call for papers.

Good luck finalizing your submissions, and don’t hesitate to email [email protected] if you have any questions.