The Computational Methods Interest Group of ICA will hold elections this fall for the Vice Chair and Secretary positions. Please consider running for either position.
The Vice Chair position is a two-year term, which will involve group planning for the 2018 conference in Prague and the 2019 conference in Washington, DC. After ICA 2019, the Vice Chair will automatically assume the Chair position and become a representative on the ICA Board of Directors for an additional two years. In total, this position will involve just under four years of service from November 2017 until May 2021.
The Secretary position is a two-year term, which begins after ICA 2018 and ends after ICA 2020. Responsibilities include keeping and disseminating minutes of the group business meeting held during the annual conference, maintaining the group web pages and social media, managing communication within the group, and working with the Vice Chair and Chair to handle group matters.
Becoming active in the Interest Group is a great way to shape the future of our Group and to build your network and CV. Attendance at the annual conference is expected while a division officer.
If you are interested in running for either position, please send your name, affiliation and a brief (max 300-word) motivation/vision statement to Wouter van Atteveldt ([email protected]) *before July 27*. Also feel free to contact Wouter if you have any question about either position.
Wouter van Atteveldt (chair)
Frederik de Grove (secretary)